Comments on: UTM protests police shooting The Voice of the University of Toronto Mississauga Tue, 07 Oct 2014 22:26:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: John Doe Wed, 17 Sep 2014 18:12:00 +0000 1) Michael Brown is a huge guy who just robbed (not stole from) a store. He’s over 6 ft and nearly 300 lbs. That’s definitely physically intimidating.

2) There were looting and rioting in Ferguson. Of course physical force has to be shown.

The only established facts are 1) He robbed a store 2) The officer shot him and he died. Robbing a store shouldn’t mean you’ll get shot but to deem him (and the ensuing protest) as harmless and non-threatening couldn’t be more far-fetched.
