Comments on: Could racial preferences be racist? The Voice of the University of Toronto Mississauga Mon, 15 Sep 2014 05:05:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Denio Lourenco Mon, 15 Sep 2014 05:05:00 +0000 There’s a difference between not being interested in someone who happens to be Indian and not being interested in Indians

By: M Mon, 15 Sep 2014 04:12:00 +0000 I completely agree with this comment, however I do agree with how the examples stated in the article can be considered as racist or hateful. I agree that some people just take it too far and can be very rude and vulgar about it. But you also can’t blame someone for who they want to date or who they want to “hook up” with, it’s completely up to them. Sometimes there is no reason why we choose who we want to be with and who we are just not attracted to, I personally think that’s just human nature.

By: Denio Lourenco Mon, 15 Sep 2014 01:56:00 +0000 Hello, I was not “turned down” by someone of a different race. The inspiration of this article was based off of a poem that I wrote about 17 indian year old boy that no one loved. In the poem it discusses the boys physical features including his skin tone. Upon later research and finding out how many people had racial preferences thats when I decided to write this article and shine some light on the topic.

By: Denio Lourenco Mon, 15 Sep 2014 01:50:00 +0000 Thank you so much for posting this, more people need to understand that racial preferences are racist and they hurt people. You really brought light to my argument.

By: Z Sat, 13 Sep 2014 01:21:00 +0000 To anyone that doesn’t think this is racist: Simply ask yourself – why? Why does this preference exist? Why am I not attracted to this group of people?

Take a minute. The answer will come, and it will be racist.

Generally when people think “racist,” they immediately think racist on a large scale – the murder of people of colour, for example. “Subtle racism” is often ignored entirely, and not considered to be racism, because “it’s not a big deal.” But it is.

Preferences like “I like hazel eyes” or “I like short girls” aren’t a big deal. They have no real substance behind them – they’re a person’s simple likes and dislikes. But saying “I’m not attracted to black people” comes from deep rooted racism subconsciously learned through society. Saying that you’re not attracted to an entire racial group essentially means that you see all of them as exactly the same. Through stereotypes, perhaps, that they all act as their negative stereotypes. Or that they all look the same – like clones. The same facial features, the same body, and what seems to concern these people the most – the same (dark) skin tone.

How can you make such a generalization? To claim that all people of a certain ethnic group look exactly the same? More often than not, siblings don’t even look similar. And yet some people have the audacity to suggest that all people of one specific ethnic group look or act the same, due to stereotypes and subtle racism ingrained in them. These views are harmful. You see people of this ethnic group as being below you – dangerous, or “ghetto”, or other harmful stereotypes that affect people of colour to this day.

What it really comes down to is that you aren’t obligated to find EVERYONE in the world attractive. Nobody is obligated to think that way.

But to generalize an entire ethnic group, comprised of millions of people as unattractive and undesirable? That’s what is racist.

By: Jt Fri, 12 Sep 2014 22:03:00 +0000 Sounds like the writer of this article was turned down by someone of a different race. It’s normal for people to only be attracted to the same race. It’s just a fact of life. Not everyone grows up in a melting pot like the Greater Toronto Area. I myself am only attracted to caucasian women. Just because I am not attracted to black women doesn’t make me a racist. I grew up in a white neighbourhood. I’m not going to go to try and change myself, when I see no reason to. I don’t think any less of other races or cultures, but when it comes to who I am attracted to and comfortable dating, it’s caucasian women. Yes, the dating apps have reduced to dating to a shallow process lacking any realness or true emotion, but to filter to just caucasian, doesn’t make someone a racist. Going with the assumption for this argument (hypothetical), that being homosexuality (sexual orientation and desire to indulge in homosexual acts) is either innate or a conscious choice. Let’s say a homosexual male is attracted to men. Some might see that behaviour as wrong, but he would respond with that’s how he feels. And we don’t judge him for it. We wouldn’t resort to trying to modify his behaviour.
