Speak-Off on UTM politics
Students debated UTMSU elections and UTMAC candidates campaigned at the event
Ruba in Response
This letter is written is response to last week’s letter to the editor, “Disappointed with the Union”. I would like to begin by apologizing for any misunderstandings that occurred and for upsetting Antara in any way. My intentions were not to neglect her and I hope that after speaking to her personally she has more [...]
Are we disengaged?
UTMSU All-Candidates Debate fails to draw attention from students at the Blind Duck
The independent
For a second year in a row, Thomas Kristan is running independently against a full slate in the UTMSU elections
Unity dominates elections
Students First and independent candidate Tanoli fall behind by large margin
Which is closer: Israel or UTM?
That’s certainly not what our unions are meant to do, especially when they could have been discussing campus issues.
The great compromise
The next time our union goes back to the bargaining table, will the administration feel the same way?